The word “But” is a word that is frequently used in spoken and written English language. I know not the equivalent of the “But” in other languages since I am largely unschooled in any other language except the English language. The “But” is a word that when used in a statement changes the effect of an earlier stated premise. It is a word that evokes two different emotions- that of pleasure and displeasure depending on its usage. When the reality of the “But” hit me, I checked up its meaning in the Chambers 21st Century Dictionary. It defines the “But” as: (1)Contrary to expectations (2)In contrast (3)Other than (4)Used to emphasize the word that follows. [πππ Hi! Don't understand English ? You can read this page in French , Spanish , Russian , etc ..Go to Home . Click Menu . Click Translate and choose your language . Have a great read!] I had not so much considered how much the usage of the “But” could determine ...