The story is told of a Missionary and a prominent Politician who both boarded an Airplane back to their country from a foreign country. It is said that when they arrived at the Airport, a great crowd of people had gathered to give the politician a rousing welcome. It is said that the Missionary had no body around to welcome him and moved away unnoticed by the crowd. It is said that the Missionary felt miffed that he was not the subject of such applause the politician had got. It is also said that while he was in this dejected state, God spoke to him saying, "My son, you are not home yet. Do not worry for I will be there to welcome you when you come Home." Friends, like this Missionary, do we feel unappreciated and unrewarded for our labours in the service of the Lord? Let us not worry for it is because we are not yet at home. [πππ Hi! Don't understand English ? You can read this page in French , Spanish , Russian , etc ..Go to Home . Click...