The account of the birth of Jesus Christ holds great and important lessons for us. His birth dramatically changed the course of human history. The Heavens heralded His birth, the celestial choirs sang beautiful melodies of praise to proclaim His birth to the world(Luke 2:9-14). No other birth has been so significant before His and neither has there been any other afterwards. It is worthy of note the fashion in which Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God was born. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, carried by a virgin, a spectacular miracle(Luke 1:26-37). He left His glory above to be born in a humble place of a Stable. The King of kings was lain in a manger for his cradle…Oh what an example of humility, for though He had all the powers of Heaven he stooped low to identify with the poor and lowly. Little wonder then, that the first persons to hear of the joyful news of His birth were poor shepherds. We must then be grateful, for none of us is exquisite enough, rich enough or ...