
Showing posts from October, 2016


"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" – Hebrews 12:2. [πŸ‘‹πŸ™‹πŸ’ƒ Hi! Don't understand  English ? You can read this page in  French ,  Spanish ,  Russian ,  etc ..Go to  Home . Click  Menu . Click  Translate  and choose  your language . Have a great read!] When I set out to write this essay, I wanted its caption to be "Jesus Christ – The Perfect Role Model", however, on closer examination of the function of a role model, I had to consider a life model instead. It is true that very many of us have role models. These are people who possess distinctive and excellent characteristics that endear us to them. These are the people we emulate and want to be like. Usually, role models, are people who have become successful in certain fields of endeavours and we watch their lives closely t...


You must have known this saying, “He who laughs last, laughs longest". I remember how often we had used this saying in our childhood plays to mock those who played pranks on others but in the end had a share of the consequences of their hoodwink. The last laugh is the celebration of victory. It marks a great come back from defeat encountered previously in the hands of the enemies, who had the first laugh. The enemy may have had the first laugh when his wicked intentions and actions had the better of a person, but that laugh surely turns to much grief at the deliverance and restoration of the one who was laughed at. Such is the nature of the first laugh, it is often for a short time, but the last laugh is the loudest, longest, and the best laugh. [πŸ‘‹πŸ™‹πŸ’ƒ Hi! Don't understand  English ? You can read this page in  French ,  Spanish ,  Russian ,  etc ..Go to  Home . Click  Menu . Click  Translate  and choose  your language . Have a gre...


I have always enjoyed attending the Church  Bible study service, which is a time to get deeper insight of God's word. I remember with great feelings a particular Bible study service I attended some years ago in a local congregation. [πŸ‘‹πŸ™‹πŸ’ƒ Hi! Don't understand  English ? You can read this page in  French ,  Spanish ,  Russian ,  etc ..Go to  Home . Click  Menu . Click  Translate  and choose  your language . Have a great read!] In that service we studied on dealing with our fears and doubts. We noted that doubt is the offspring of fear. We have a near natural disposition to fear and doubts because of the environments we have grown  in and the circumstances that we see around us. The trouble with fear  and doubt is that it limits us and hinders the blessings God has for us, so it is so important to put off fear and have faith instead. I like to  share with you these things you need to know and how we have to de...


“Because he (Moses) PREFERRED to share the oppression (suffer the hardships) and bear the shame of the people of God rather than the fleeting enjoyment of a sinful life…[Motivated] by faith, he LEFT Egypt behind Him.” [Hebrews 11 verses 25-27]. [πŸ‘‹πŸ™‹πŸ’ƒ Hi! Don't understand  English ? You can read this page in  French ,  Spanish ,  Russian ,  etc ..Go to  Home . Click  Menu . Click  Translate  and choose  your language . Have a great read!] Why would Moses leave a beautiful palace in Egypt to Shepherd a flock in the plains of Midian? The answer is simple; he made his choice. He could have stayed on in Pharoah’s palace enjoying the privileges of a royal class, however, he knew that doing so while the people of God suffered was sinful. Well, it is no longer about Moses now; it is about you and me. Whenever I reflect on the life of Moses, the issue of forgone alternatives comes to the fore. I could have been something different fro...


"But while he was still a long way off,his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him;he ran to his son,threw his arms around him and kissed him"(Luke 15 vs 20) [πŸ‘‹πŸ™‹πŸ’ƒ Hi! Don't understand  English ? You can read this page in  French ,  Spanish ,  Russian ,  etc ..Go to  Home . Click  Menu . Click  Translate  and choose  your language . Have a great read!] Our Lord Jesus once told a story of a son who demanded the share of his portion from his father and when it was granted him,went and spent it in riotous living in a far country. Well, after he had spent all he had,a famine struck the country and he was in want. The significance of this story is that we are like this young son of our father,The Almighty God. Many of us have since left the kingdom of God to the far country in the world. You used to love the Lord but now you have conformed to the ways of the World. You no longer love the Lord with all your heart. The pr...