I have always enjoyed attending the Church  Bible study service, which is a time to get deeper insight of God's word. I remember with great feelings a particular Bible study service I attended some years ago in a local congregation.

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In that service we studied on dealing with our fears and doubts. We noted that doubt is the offspring of fear. We have a near natural disposition to fear and doubts because of the environments we have grown  in and the circumstances that we see around us. The trouble with fear  and doubt is that it limits us and hinders the blessings God has for us, so it is so important to put off fear and have faith instead. I like to  share with you these things you need to know and how we have to deal  with the fears and doubts in our lives. I hope you take some time to  read through this.

First, God commands us to fear not. It is established by Bible Scholars that there are 366 "Fear Nots" in the  Bible, sufficient for all your fears every day of the year. Fear is  as a result of not trusting God's promises and love. When Adam and Eve  did not trust God's promises and ate the forbidden fruit, they were  afraid and hid themselves away from God. They feared God did not love  them anymore.

We have examples of people in the Bible who  overcame their fears and those who let fear overcome them. These  examples are there for us to learn from and overcome ours.

Abraham had his fears when he went to dwell in the land of Gerar  (Genesis 20 vs 1-17). He feared that the men of that land were evil and  did not know God and would kill him and take his wife Sarah, so he lied and said that she was his sister. Well, it turned out he was wrong about the fear he nursed because God Himself warned their King, Abimelech on Abraham's behalf not to lay his  hands on Sarah. Abraham forgot how God saved him from being attacked in the  land of Egypt under the same circumstance (Genesis  12 vs 10-20). He  did not need to lie. Friends, we do not need to lie and we do not have to lie. We lie because we are afraid of consequences, shame or rejection.  We lie because we are afraid of what men would do to us. So when we discover that God is with us to rescue us from those unpleasant consequences, we will tell no lies, we will tell the truth. So will you trust God today  and always tell the truth to your parents, your boss at work, your wife,  your husband and anybody else?

Peter feared the boisterous  winds of the sea would drown him( Matthew 14 vs 37-31). He had stepped  out of the boat and had begun walking on water towards Jesus who  beckoned on him to come. He had progressed until the moment he saw the  winds and feared and doubted and began to sink. Why did he fear? He had  shifted his gaze from Jesus and was looking at the winds. We fear  because we begin to look at the winds. We fear the winds of our  finances, the winds of our families, the winds of the circumstances of  life we face and we begin to sink. Why do we fear? Because we no longer  looked to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). We shall  overcome our fears when we look to Jesus and believe in His power to  heal, His power to save all who believe and trust in Him. It was for  fear that Peter denied his Lord three times before the Cock crew thrice(  Matthew 26 vs 69-75). Why are you compromising your faith and denying  your Lord? It is because you are afraid you are the only one standing  alone and looking out of the flow. It is fear that is keeping you from  declaring to your friends that you are a Christian. It is fear and it is so dangerous, you need to repent today as Peter did on that day.

These men I speak of and many others in the Bible overcame their fears.  Abraham is today known as the Father of Faith. It is said of Abraham  that he believed God and it was counted unto Him for righteousness  (Romans 4 vs 3). He learnt to trust God even to the point of willingly  laying down His only son and was about to sacrifice him on God's  instruction for He believed God was able to raise him to life again  (Hebrews 11 vs 17-19). Peter learnt to trust God and the next time he  stepped out to address a crowd on the day of Pentecost, 3000 men gave  their lives to Christ instantly. On another occassion, he believed God  and raised a lame man in the name of Jesus and witnessed fearlessly that  day to the power of God that 5000 men believed and were saved. What are  your fears today? You too can overcome them and see the power of God in  your life as you believe Him and act on His word.

I will at  last mention that we noted in our Bible study that the Fearful are among  those who will miss Heaven and will be cast into Hell (Revelation 21 vs  8). Why is this so? It is because, many people who have not given their  lives to Jesus Christ today are afraid of the opinions of their peers,  colleagues at work and associates. They are afraid to identify with  Christ because of the persecution that such decision may attract to them. Fear is the reason these men will miss God's great offer of mercy and be damned  forever in the Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. It is for the  reason of fear and doubt that many professed Christians compromise the  faith and betray their Lord. It is for the reason of fear that they tell  lies and fall among the Liars that shall not inherit the kingdom of  God.

What are your fears? Believe God today, that He loves you  and will forgive you all your sins and stand by you and with you through  any and all persecutions and circumstances you may meet. Trust God.  Friends let's trust God. Have faith in God to help you in the time of  need. Look to Jesus Christ always,stop looking at the winds.

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