When an accused person stands trial before a Judge in the law court, one of the things done in the course of his trial is that he or she is given a chance to agree with the charges as brought against him or to deny it. The question often put forth to the accused person is this "Are you guilty of these charges or not?" His response is often very critical to the sentence he gets. He may get a reduced sentence if he owns up to his wrong doing and accept that he is guilty. Let us imagine that we are also standing trial in the court of heaven and our eternal destiny is to be decided but many allegations have been levelled against us by our accuser, the devil. Those sinful things we have done are brought against us, and we are asked that question "Are you guilty of these charges or not?" What would our answer be? Friends, though this can only be imagined now, the Bible tells us that after we die, we must face judgment to be rewarded according to the things we did, whether bad or good, and that determines where we shall spend eternity, in heaven or in hell (Hebrew 9:27, 2 Corinthians 5:10).

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The Bible also tells us that if we judge ourselves now, we will not be judged. What that implies that if we can look into our ways now and see what we are doing that is sinful and displeasing to God, and correct our ways, we will receive God's mercy and forgiveness and will be acquitted of those charges the enemy would level against us. As we draw to the end of this year, it is a good time to take stock of our lives. Have we pleased God the way we have lived this year? Will we continue in the way we have been living in the new year? If we are honest with ourselves, we will see those things that offend God in our lives, and we must take steps to rid ourselves of all these things. There is one aspect I will like us to consider here, and that is the issue of pornography. This is an area that we may be guilty of sin, and we have to repent and make our way right with God, especially by making a commitment to God concerning discarding this unrighteous action as we enter the new year. I want you to please read this discussion I had with some friends on this subject some time ago, and please be ready to take the action that will save your soul today. For sake of privacy, I will address myself as SPEAKER, and other contributors as DISCUSSANTS. Here are the excerpts of that discuss:

 SPEAKER: Dear friend, what are you giving up for God’s sake as we shall be entering the new year? Won’t you give up the sin of pornography? Won’t you permanently delete those pictures of naked women on your phone and laptops. Won’t you burn those blue films with even a tint of what they call “mildly pornographic”? O please get rid of all these and don’t take any of these with you into the new year! Pornography is a terrible sin. Repent and forsake this sin. Pray to God and seek forgiveness and deliverance.
DISCUSSANT 1: How? How is it(pornography) a great sin? Please I need to really understand why movies that teach morals are different from those that teach sexual techniques, especially for the married folks who were virgins and had no idea on good positions to enable sexual satisfaction of their spouse. Please don’t tell me the holy spirit will teach them because so many Christian homes are crashing because spouses don’t know exactly how to spice up their sexual life, thus leading to a loss of passion for what was a fire consuming love. Knowledge is power.

I used to believe that porn is a sin, until my husband told me “look I’m tired of this your boring sex position, can’t we try something else?” It dawned on me that for the past three years I’ve been on one position. A friend recommended a sex web site to me. I virtually learn a lot of techniques from it that have so spiced up my husband’s love and closeness more than I ever imagined. I guess I should have played dumb until the devil steals my joy? Well I guess you will say he is not born again! How about those believers who are already bored with their wife? We all have reasons for our actions, but what is important is our intentions. For married couples, porn might be a school of thought not a sin! I need to know,SPEAKER, where God condemns porn in the Bible for couples. Please answer, we learn everyday. God bless you with this topic because I’m willing to repent if proven guilty.

DISCUSSANT 2: Hi Discussant 1, first the primary goal of sex is not satisfaction as it is publicly evangelized everywhere. There is no such thing written anywhere in the Bible. It is for procreation. The drive for sexual satisfaction has driven many into undertaking some sexual orientations that are humanly insulting and God lamenting. Job said, “I have made a covenant with my eyes, why then should I look on a young woman?” (Job 31:1). If God detest common lusting at a lady or upon a man, then porn is a classic in its category – Matthew 5:27-28. It is not possible to watch porn and not offend God. Common lust is a huge terrible sin.

Secondly, you do not need any man to teach you about sex styles. There are no such schools anywhere. Those formations we have around are the devil’s strategy to pollute the virgin minds of the believers. The great king David fell as a result of watching a live porno, beholding a naked bathing woman (2 Samuel 11:1-5, 12:1-15). The consequences of that porn view are still trending in David’s lineage till date.

Thirdly, we have been told to be holy for God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). No impure believers will make Heaven. Your feeding your spirit man with sexual films in the name of pleasing your husband(or wife) is personal deception and it is tantamount to losing your salvation. You are simply satisfying your sexual self and if you do not repent, hell is calling.

Fourth, like every man had in one way or the other got some stuffs from Egypt of sin before meeting Christ, if your husband is so versed in such things beforehand, why did he not teach you those sexual styles? Must he also drive you that crazy to have got your pure mind polluted? Now that is not holiness at all dear DISCUSSANT 1. God will bring all things to judgment.

Finally, it is wrong to gaze at other people’s nakedness (Habakkuk 2:15). Most of these porn stars were induced by strong influences and demonic powers to have undertaken such path. We pray for quick recovery for them. In conclusion dear DISCUSSANT 1, your husband (or wife) is too small to go to hell for. Sexual pleasures are nowhere near the overflooding joy in Heaven. If you remain that way, I’m sorry, the end might be quite catastrophic! Please bear with me….

DISCUSSANT 1: @ Discussant 2, nice. Thanks. Well understood.

DISCUSSANT 2: Welcome sweetheart. God grant you grace and mercy to stay up for him. We shall be victorious at the end. See you around!

SPEAKER: Wow…dear DISCUSSANT 1, I appreciate your sincerity to know the truth. Thank God DISCUSSANT 2 has spent time to explain why watching porn is sinful, not only for singles but for couples too. I hope you will repent of it and that very fast. I have had to repent of it over and over again, because every single nude picture or porn film you see stains your mind and stays there for years, if not for the cleansing of the blood of Jesus Christ. It becomes a major strong point of satanic accusation and demonic possession. Again, as DISCUSSANT 2 noted, Jesus Christ tells us it is a sin to look at a woman and contemplate having sex with her and the same when a woman so lust after a man. He said one is already guilty as if he already had sex with the person he lusted after (Matthew 5:27 -28). You can therefore see how terrible pornography is, it makes you have sex (fornication or adultery) with perhaps 5, 10, 20 people in about 10 minutes. For some people the numbers could double or triple these estimations in an even shorter period of time. And you never even thought anything happened….when Heaven already tags you a whore!

We are in a time of very many deceptive ideas and human philosophies. Yes, I have also heard them say one needs to watch porn to know the sex positions and get satisfaction. But don’t we need to ask them who taught Adam and Eve in the garden? Don’t we need to ask them who taught righteous Noah and his wife? Don’t we need to ask them how Abraham and Sarah got to learn the best positions for satisfaction? It is obvious it wasn’t porn they had and we sure don’t need it. This is one lie that has hurt and sidetracked so many people. I was shocked to discover graphic images and porn movies on a Christian brother’s phone. I confronted him on the issue and all he told me was that he was having sexuality classes in an HIV/AIDS awareness project. Hmmm…it’s sad to think about how trivial he considered the issue. But will a man (or woman) scoop fire into his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?(Proverbs 6:27). In very careless and regrettable times of my life I’ve watched porn and it has been very damaging. I still needed to answer an altar call for fresh commitment and rededication to Jesus Christ to be free.

The worst form of this indulgence is when one begins to surf the internet for pornographic materials. There are millions of web sites with uncountable movie clips and pictures for the perishing. I wonder what all the fight of the US government against child pornography really amounts to. A former porn producer revealed the huge income they get in that devilish business that destroys millions of souls worldwide on a daily basis. Today Porn stars are celebrated in many societies. The cameras are focused on them for the latest headlines. They obviously don’t seem to have any a reason to be ashamed of such a vocation for society has given a nod to their debased lifestyles calling it a business. Such is the extent of the societal degeneration that has become the lot of very many societies. God calls us to come out from among the corrupters and the corrupted, and be totally different. He says this to us “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

It could be startling too to have a statistics of young Christian men and women who have been ensnared in this scheme. DISCUSSANT 1, I commend your sharing your experience and I know that God is healing you. So many people are caught in this and are too ashamed to open up and confess it. Pornography tops the list of secret sins, and Christians too are ensnared in it. Who will ever know you did it, when you browsed those websites in the corner of your room in the mid of the night? No one knows, only God does!

We have work to do to rescue our brothers and sisters from being led to hell through this. We need to address this issue in Church services via preaching and Bible studies. Let us be vigilant and watchful against any form of this sin, for Satan, our adversary, walks about like a lion looking for whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8). I discovered Yahoo brings up a picture of a semi-nude girl on the sideline of my mailbox, asking me to chat with her. I’ve tried many times to close that tab to no avail. They also post a half clip of a woman pulling off her panties and ask you to click on and view the full picture. I cannot count the number of private mails I have got from strangers on Facebook, expressing their interest in me and asking me to visit some site to view their nude pictures. Some offer to send such pictures to my mailbox. These are all subtle but lethal ways the demons of pornography attempt to creep into our lives and we must be watchful to reject and flee from these. This is the time we must put up a strong fight against any attempts of Satan to get us ensnared. Jesus Christ says if our eyes will cause us to sin, we should pluck it out (Matthew 5:29). How severe that is! It speaks of how much we must do to avoid falling prey to the sinful indulgence of our eyes.

Now is the time to act! Do you have naked pictures of men or women on your phones or computers? Do you have pornographic videos with you? Have you been visiting porn pages on the internet? Do you have blue films or films described as "mildly ponographic" in your house? It is time to press the delete button! It is time to burn the films! Burn it off now before it burns you forever in Hell fire.

Do it now!

You may have made resolutions to never indulge in these immoralities again, but you were not able to keep your promises and fell back into it again. I want you to know that God loves you and wants to help you. Come to Him today and ask for His help. Ask Him to create in you a new heart and renew a right spirit in you (Psalm 51: 10-11). He has promised to give you a new heart and I pray that it will be your portion right from this moment in Jesus name. Remember this, yours may not be the sin of pornography or any other sexual immoralities, it could be that you tell lies, you are hateful and rebellious, you are a drunkard, whatever the sin, you need to repent of them today, resolve in your heart never to do them anymore, and pray that Jesus Christ will save you and give you a new life. Let us all come to God and do this before we have to face the judgment for our sins. God bless you as you do this.

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