When an accused person stands trial before a Judge in the law court, one of the things done in the course of his trial is that he or she is given a chance to agree with the charges as brought against him or to deny it. The question often put forth to the accused person is this "Are you guilty of these charges or not?" His response is often very critical to the sentence he gets. He may get a reduced sentence if he owns up to his wrong doing and accept that he is guilty. Let us imagine that we are also standing trial in the court of heaven and our eternal destiny is to be decided but many allegations have been levelled against us by our accuser, the devil. Those sinful things we have done are brought against us, and we are asked that question "Are you guilty of these charges or not?" What would our answer be? Friends, though this can only be imagined now, the Bible tells us that after we die, we must face judgment to be rewarded according to the things we did, w...