
Showing posts from August, 2018


I walked past a Beer Parlour one day and heard the song “I am a Prisoner”  sung by Late Lucky Dube, a popular South African Musician. I saw men and women sitted around tables with foaming bottles and glasses of Beer and all other alcoholic drinks littered on the tables, and  shaking their heads and tapping their feets, dancing to the music. Little did these men and women know the song was a true description of who they were. Little did they know that they were prisoners of the bottles. They were prisoners of that destructive liquid they had made their best friend. They had not realized they were prisoners of the brewers who drain their finances, ruin their marriages and homes and in the end take their livers and lives. Little did they know this is who they were…Prisoners! Had they known they were prisoners of the booze, would they not have attempted a jail break? Had they known they were prisoners, would they not have sought a way of freedom from their imprisonment...


“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” - Matthew 5:8. It was an intriguing question the Psalms writer asked in Psalm 24 vs. 3, when he said “Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place?” The answer to this question must have come to him by a deep revelation which he shares in the next verse. The only person that can ascend the hill of the LORD, and stand in His holy place is “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully” (Psalm 24 vs. 4). Here in Matthew 5 vs. 8, our Lord Jesus Christ establishes the point beyond doubt, that it is only those with pure hearts that shall see God. Purity of heart is that one characteristic of those who shall have fellowship with God on this earth and be qualified to dwell with Him forever in heaven. Why is this heart condition so important? you may ask. The heart is often used to describe the mind of man. Just as the he...