I walked past a Beer Parlour one day and heard the song “I am a Prisoner”  sung by Late Lucky Dube, a popular South African Musician. I saw men and women sitted around tables with foaming bottles and glasses of Beer and all other alcoholic drinks littered on the tables, and  shaking their heads and tapping their feets, dancing to the music. Little did these men and women know the song was a true description of who they were. Little did they know that they were prisoners of the bottles. They were prisoners of that destructive liquid they had made their best friend. They had not realized they were prisoners of the brewers who drain their finances, ruin their marriages and homes and in the end take their livers and lives. Little did they know this is who they were…Prisoners!

Had they known they were prisoners of the booze, would they not have attempted a jail break? Had they known they were prisoners, would they not have sought a way of freedom from their imprisonment to the booze?  How I wished I could let them know, but could I walk just right in there and tell them? Well, I did go in there some days after and told them the way of escape from this prison. I trust God that their captors- the evil spirits of drunkenness and addiction will be subdued, and the prison doors opened for these men and women to go free. I do pray God will do it again in my days as He did through the preaching of John Wesley, turning drunken England around. Perhaps that miracle will start with you…yes, you! You who are reading this piece, but bound by the Satanic chains of drunkenness, it is time for you to be freed. You who are addicted to Alcohol consumption, it is time for you to go free. You who are addicted to consumption of hard drugs, engaging in substance abuse for shortlived pleasure but a lifetime of pain and regrets, it is time for you to be free. You who are addicted to habits that control you and drive you to your destruction, it is time for you to be free.

I asked myself, “Have these men and women never attempted to gain freedom from their imprisonment to these demonic spirits in the bottles?”. It occurred to me that they had tried but were unsuccessful in the Jail break. Many have tried to quit drinking but never could. They had felt drinking was a habit they could stop whenever they wanted but only to discover they were bound with chains they couldn’t break. Maybe you have tried several times to quit drinking, by your resolutions and personal efforts but was unsuccessful, I have good news for you, there is one who will set you free and you will be free indeed (John 8:36). His name is Jesus Christ. That name makes a whole lot of difference in the lives of those who call on Him. That name has got all power in Heaven and on Earth and your freedom is guaranteed if you will call on Him. You were on His mind thousands of years ago when it pleased God to let Him walk this earth, He took the penalty for your sin of drunkenness (Galatians 5:19-21). When He hung on the cross and when He rose from the death, Jesus Christ made available to you the power to overcome drunkenness and every other destructive and sinful habits.

Friend, you are still on His (Jesus') mind now. He came to set the captives free(Please read Bible book of Luke 4 verse 18) . If you can see your captivity and cry out to Him for help, He is ever ready to break the chains of Alcohol in your life and you will be free and forever free! Do you want to be free? Call out to Jesus Christ now and ask Him to set you free.

Will you surrender your life to Jesus Christ now?

Pray now.

“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Today I repent of all my sins (name the sins you know you've been committing), and I give up every sinful habit and lifestyle. Forgive me, give me a new life and a new heart. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.” 

If you have said this prayer with the whole of your heart, then be assured God has heard you and saved you. You now need to seek out a church around you where you will get to know God more and be baptized so you can live the new life you have received by Christ death and resurrection. I pray that you shall not be cast into Hell, but shall be welcome into Heaven to live eternally with God when your life in this world ends. God bless you.

Take a step of faith and throw out all alcoholic drinks you have in your house and stay away from the bars. Seek out a Christian friend or pastor around you, and let him or her pray with you and give you further counsel. Delight yourself in the Lord at all times, and if you confronted with any problems of life, do not seek an escape in intoxicating drinks or hard drugs, instead pray to the Lord, your burden bearer, and He will help you. This is your time of freedom; do not let this mercy elude you.

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