There are only two sets of people that are on the face of the Earth right now. God only acknowledges us either as Sinners or Saints. There is no middle ground and no in-betweens. Everyone who has not received God’s greatest gift of Salvation and forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ is a sinner no matter how good they may think they are. Those who have come to God just as they are, Sinners, and have repented of their disobedient life, their sins against God and man, are washed clean by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and are those God regards as Saints. A Saint is not one who has never sinned(for there is no such a one except Jesus Christ) but he is one who has acknowledged the wretchedness of his or her sinful lifestyle(Isaiah 1vs 18), acknowledged how far his sins has separated him from God his maker and comes in repentance(a turning away from sin) before God and accepts the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the Cross for his sins(John 3:16, Romans 10 vs 8-10). God shows him/her mercy by cleansing, justifying, sanctifying and relating with him as if he had never sinned.
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So how does God know you my friend? Sinner or Saint?
It’s easy to know. The Bible makes us to understand that the spirit of God bears witness that we are Sons of God(Saints) when we come to God and submit to Jesus Christ as the Saviour and Lord of our lives. Your lifestyle right now will tell you if God knows you as Saint or Sinner. No Saint continues to sin, he doesn’t take for granted the mercy God has granted to Him. His desire at all times is to please God his Father in every action he takes, whether words or deeds. All saints can always remember the day they committed their lives to God. They know it because that day marked a great turning point in their lives. It wouldn’t be possible for a Sinner to act as a Saint, well perhaps he might fool men if he does so, but God clearly knows who he is.
So who are you my friend?
If you are a sinner, God’s mercy is still available for you if you will come to Him today. He is still waiting to make you one of His beloved Sons and Daughters(Saints). Will you repent of your sins and pray to Him today and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? Will you submit to God all your life henceforth? If you are willing, God is ready to receive you as you cry out to Him in prayer right now.
Tell God in your own words your resolution today and mean it with all your heart. I’m sure He will give you the peace that surpasses human understanding and the assurance that you are one of His saints. God bless you as you do this. (Please meet any Christian Brother or Sister for further counsel or send me a mail at geraldinyang@gmail.com. You can also talk with me at WhatsApp via +2347037531756, and I’ll be glad to talk with you).
Please visit www.spiritlessons.com, and www.sermonindex.net for free resources to help you live for God.
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