"I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Wonderful are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well". (Psalm 139: 14).
Some people over the years and centuries have expressed discontent over their physical constitution. They have expressed concerns about the size or shape of their body features. Sometimes people wished they had longer legs, thinner frames, shorter ear lobes, pointed nose, bluish eyes and so on and so forth. However, those who already have these features desired by others may themselves be seeking to having shorter legs, fatter body builds, wider ear lobes, flat nose and black eyes. Such has been the situation with many people all over the world. For many people, there is a silent desire in their hearts to be someone different from who they are now. They fancy being like some other person whom they feel have what they do not have. While for centuries, these desires were mere wishes and ended up as fantasies of the mind, progressive efforts were made to realize them. People who needed to look taller had the option of buying high heeled shoes to achieve some few inches addition to their actual heights. It was even believed that if you wanted a pointed nose, daily drawing at your nose may let you have the desired shape. Although these inventions and measures did not achieve significant differences, people tried them and continued to search for other ways for body transformations. Eventually rapid progress was made in the fields of medical and pharmaceutical sciences and pills were produced which when ingested could work to achieve some transformations. There were slimming pills, bleaching creams and many others that were used to achieve this aim of being someone other than oneself. Then the major breakthrough came in the area of surgery as it was realized that some body parts could actually be replaced with the desired ones through surgery. Infact, plastic surgery became the toast of very many people as they could achieve entire transformations to their desired image.
Two cases would suffice for examples of this endeavour; the first I could mention being the case of a popular Pop musician who did not like the looks he had as a black man, so he went in for plastic surgery and came out a white man, to the amazement of his fans and people all over the world. There was also the first lady of a country who is said to have not liked the shape of her stomach and wished to have a flat stomach and so went in for abdominoplasty or Tummy-tuck, a cosmetic surgery to scrape off the fatty layers of her belly. I guess you may have heard their stories and those of many other people. However, there were dire consequences for their choices; the pop musician developed complications from the surgery which led to his death many years after. The first lady was not so lucky, she died on the hospital surgery theater. It would therefore appear that the negative effects and consequences of plastic surgery may well outweigh the merits of seeking to be someone else. The underlying cause of this desire to be different and the ventures undertaken to achieve it has always been a lack of self acceptance. Essentially when we cannot accept who we are, we will always seek to be someone or something different. Beyond self-acceptance, and beyond our desires, what we do with ourselves, our bodies also concern our creator, God, and we shall see how this is so shortly.
In recent times, the desire to be different has taken an entirely different dimension. Like a kind of craze, this whole new way of body transformation is spreading like wildfire across the world, and it has become a movement. I speak of the transgender movement. Men discovered they could transform to women and women discovered they could become men, all through the possibility of plastic surgery. All they needed to achieve this was to undergo several surgeries to cut off and replace their body features. I still wonder what the fancy could be in a man becoming a woman and conversely, but these transgenders have a common chorus on their lips "Finally, I have become what I always wanted to be". What a pity! What has spurred on people who have done this is the applause they get from society. I read in the news about a certain Bruce Jenner who recently transformed himself to a woman and changed his name to Catlyn Jenner, and it was with jaw dropping surprise I learnt he was awarded a prize for courage for changing himself to a woman by a large media organisation in the United States of America.
Human rights activists would readily rise to the defense of transgenders as people who are asserting the rights to become whatever they so desire. But what society would be having if we have everyone changing their identity at will? Would it not be a confused and confusing society? Though the transgender movement may have gained prominence recently, they had started off a long time ago warming their ways to many hearts through various means. When men started plaiting and perming their hairs and began wearing earing and acting feminine, something had gone wrong. When women began wearing trousers and acting masculine, something had gone wrong, but it was only seen as mere being transvestite without realizing that these were ways of expressing the transgender desire.
The root of this anomaly in human behaviour is the failure to identify the purpose of one's existence in this world. We are never in this world by accident and neither is the sex which we are born with an accident. God, our Creator, had fashioned us for a great purpose to fulfill in this world. He has gifted the man for a different role that a woman cannot fulfill even if she did a surgery to become a man. The creator who made us both male and female made no mistakes (Genesis 1:27), and we cannot spurn and insult Him by choosing to be something other than He created us to be. Should we not honor our Creator who put us here in this world and to whom we shall return to give account of the things we did here in this world (Revelations 20:11-15)? Should we not have recourse to the one who created to us to find out what pleases Him and what displeases Him and how we ought to live to please Him? Certainly we must not put God out of the equation of our lives. It is only in finding out and doing the things that please and glorify God, that we can have peace with God here in this world and then in eternity. So it is never in our power to decide whether we want to be women rather than the men God created us to be or to be men rather than the women we are; it was entirely God's design for us to be who we are and He is interested that we remain in the gender He created us.
Times have changed and human civilizations come and go but an eternal God remains unchanged. He is the same God that was yesterday, He is still the same God today and He will be the same forever (Hebrews 13:8). His principles and commandments have not changed. Therefore, we need to test every new invention or fashion by the words God has written down for us to follow. The Holy Bible is the Creator's manual for every human He created who walks this earth, and the more we refer to the Bible to get guidance on how to live our lives the better our lives become and the happier we will be. It is instructive to note that the same God who disapproved of and spoke against the effeminate (1 Corinthians 6:9), has not changed, and so we can know just how He must frown at transgendering! It is a detestable act before God that a man should behave like a woman and then adopt the mannerism of a woman and conversely, therefore going further to change the sex through transgendering is ungodly and will surely attract the displeasure and wrath of God on all who do such things. Though the world may stand to applaud and extol the "courage" of persons who do these things and speak of their finding their true self, God is against it and no effeminate or transgender will have a place in His kingdom. Today, there are only a few home movies, sitcoms or soap operas that do not have an effeminate or transgender character, which underscores the world's acceptance of these abnormal personality traits, but God's word can never be broken.
I ask God to open the eyes of your heart that you may appreciate and accept who God has created you to be. I pray that you will not be deceived by the media hype, or the celebrity status accorded transgender people to follow their damnable path of life. I pray that whoever has already gone on this lost path will be brought to realization of their ill position and once again retrace their paths to the same surgery tables for the restoration of who God created them to be. Let us reflect on the inspired words of King David in Psalm 139:14, the passage that heads this message. He looks at himself and sees the glory of God in the way he was created and he raises his voice in praise to God. He thanks God who made him so wonderfully and then he declares "Marvelous are thy works O Lord". These were the words of that great king and we must realize the wonder of the way God has created us, and His wonderful purpose for our lives. Realize that you are not an accident of evolution but a great masterpiece of the Creator. See yourself the way God sees you. When God had finished creating you, He said you were good (Genesis 1:31), do not let the world and the devil tell you that you would be better off being a woman instead of the man God made you. When I was a child, I faced some difficult time coping with the abuse of peers who mocked my big lips, but ever since I have learned to accept who God made me, it has never been a worry, and whenever I look at the mirror, I don't see me in the eye of another, but I praise God for the way He made me. Who you are is not subject to what people think of you, it is what God says you are. Finally, know that your body belongs to God and not just you and whatever you decide to do with your body must be what pleases God. Offer your body to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in His sight (Romans 12:1-2). If you are not born again you may not have the power to resist this evil wind of Satan sweeping through the world. Surrender your will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, ask Him for forgiveness of your sin by the precious blood He shed for your salvation from sin, and live everyday of the rest of your life in obedience to His word. He will indeed give you the power to be His child in this present corrupt world (John 1:12).
Will you surrender your life to Jesus Christ now?
Pray now.
“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Today I repent of all my sins (name the sins you know you've been committing), and I give up every sinful habit and lifestyle. Forgive me, give me a new life and a new heart. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
If you have said this prayer with the whole of your heart, then be assured God has heard you and saved you. You now need to seek out a church around you where you will get to know God more and be baptized so you can live the new life you have received by Christ death and resurrection. I pray that you shall not be cast into Hell, but shall be welcome into Heaven to live eternally with God when your life in this world ends. God bless you.
Henceforth your body is the temple of the living God, do not defile it by any form of unrighteous deeds, do not change your gender, for God will destroy anything or anyone that defiles His temple (1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19-20).
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