Ali Pektas from Turkey was a good building technician. He was the best plasterer in Marash, a Turkish town. Ali's problem,however, was Alcohol. He always came home to his wife and children drunk. He was not a good father or husband either, as he physically abused his wife and children in his drunken state. Ali desperately wanted to quit drinking but could not. Just so that he would not abuse his wife, Ali sometimes had to travel to search for jobs in Istanbul. It was here, that a friend advised him to go and live for a time in Saudi Arabia where Alcohol is prohibited so he could kick the habit. Well, Ali did go to Saudi Arabia but soon got directed to secret points he could get the drinks. He got a bit more interested in religion in Saudi Arabia and decided to embark on pilgrimage to Mecca hoping to turn a new leaf. He had performed most of the rituals but then something happened. On the night preceding the last rites,Ali had an unusual dream. He was face to face with a person with such radiant beauty that left him dazzled. Instantly, Ali could recognize this was Isa(Jesus Christ). He heard Jesus say to Him "Ali, you belong to me". Ali woke up filled with such inexpressible joy.He however could still hear the voice of Jesus telling him to go back home. He obeyed and left Mecca for Turkey the following morning. Ali got home and met a gathering of neighbors who had come to welcome him home. They got really startled when Ali announced to them he had met Isa(Jesus Christ) and was now a Christian. His neighbors couldn't imagine anyone going to Mecca and coming back a Christian but they were surprised that Ali was now a different man, not the drunkard and wife beater they had known him to be. For two years, Ali lived as a Christian without ever meeting any other Christian nor having a copy of the Bible, it was just He and his wife that were Christians in Marash.God however led Ali to tune in to a radio station broadcast where he got contact to a Christian group and got a Bible. Ali Pektas conversion testimony is available on

Well, I was amazed that God would reach out to save a soul from such a very unlikely place. God didn't need a crusade, He didn't need an Evangelist, He did it by Himself. Today, I believe God is still moving in ways past our finding out to many people in places where Christian witness is prohibited. I believe God does this in answer to the prayers of intercession of His children over these cities and countries. Please have a prayer burden in your hearts for your Muslim friends and neighbors that they may know the way to the Father. While you live and interact with them, say a prayer for them that they also will believe and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ for the salvation of their souls. Indeed, I see the devotion of quite a lot of them and I pray that God wouldn't let them continue trying to get to Him following the wrong way. Jesus Christ is the only solution for everybody living in this world. Whatever the religion people may belong, without Jesus Christ, they cannot be saved. Whatever the problem you are grappling with, God will give you victory over it through Jesus Christ. God bless you as you respond to this message; believe in Jesus, surrender to Him, pray, pray for your friends and share this message with them.

Are you a Muslim reading this message today and wonder if you can have an encounter with God as Ali Pektas had? Yes you can have an encounter with God that will change your life forever. You may be very devout in following the teachings of Islam but in your heart you sense there is a void, a relationship with God you so yearn for but He seems to be so far away from you. You are no longer satisfied with the rituals of daily prayers and observances which are just a routine you have followed so you could be accepted by Allah, you will encounter the God you have so yearned for and you will be satisfied. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and life and the only mediator between God and man. What the sacrifices you have been making every Ramadan cannot do by taking away all your sins, Jesus Christ made that final sacrifice by offering His life for you on the Cross. he died, was buried and resurrected in glory and also ascended to heaven where He is our advocate with the God, the father. Put your trust in Him today and your life will be so changed gloriously. You will have joy and peace and you will be certain that you will be welcome to heaven, not because of your good works but because Jesus Christ paid the price for God to be forgive you all your sins.

 Have you been ashamed to become a believer and follower of Jesus Christ? Are you afraid of the persecution you will face if you denounce Islam and become a Christian? You need to know that God will never leave you nor abandon you and He will surely deliver you from all persecutions. You have nothing to lose from becoming a Christian. This is the time to let go off that shame that will destroy both your present and the future. This is your opportunity to shake off whatever ridicule you may get from those who don't know how blessed it is to have Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. I encourage you to make a definite commitment and public confession of Jesus Christ as you Lord and Saviour and surrender and make a vow to follow Him the rest days of your life. Will you turn to Christ now?

Pray now.

“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.” If you have this prayer with the whole of your heart, then be assured God has heard you and saved you. You now need to seek out a church around you where you will get to know God more and live the new life you have received. God bless you.


God bless you.
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