Everyone who is familiar with our nation’s judicial system will know there are many avenues of dispensation of justice. The Plaintiff and the accused person would have to appear in court, having contracted advocates or lawyers to argue their case before a judge, or with the help of a mediator, approach an alternative dispute resolution court where matters could be settled amicably. Plea bargaining is a method of justice dispensation which is practiced both in the conventional courts and the alternative dispute resolution channels. It is a method that requires the accused person to confess and own up his wrongdoing as charged, in order for justice to be served with mercy. In other words, the accused person pleads guilty before a judge, and his lawyer(s) or advocate(s) can enter a deal with the judge for a reduction in the sentence he should get for the offenses he committed.
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This method of justice dispensation is practiced in many countries all over the world. In Nigeria, it has always been part of the justice system, but it came up for public scrutiny in recent times owing to some deals corrupt politicians had got, where they were sentenced to pay back peanut sums; a few thousands of Naira for the huge embezzlement and looting of public funds to the tune of millions and billions of Naira. What was obvious in these cases was the fact these persons exploited the judicial system to get away with their crimes. Well, those cases made plea bargaining to be viewed with skepticism by the populace. However, there is an angle to this justice system that should interest you to know and take advantage of. I believe it is the greatest plea bargain deal you and me can ever obtain.
Envision yourself charged to court and slammed an endless number count charges. You are charged with breaking the 10 Commandments, because you have bowed to an idol physically, or at least you have exalted earthly things like Money, fame, material possessions more than you exalt God. You have cursed with the name of God, sworn in His name, and taken His name in vain several times. You have not kept the Sabbath day holy; you work seven days a week and you would not give God a day to worship Him. You have been disobedient to your parents and not honored your father and mother. You have committed murder; physically killing another person or stabbing them with daggers of hatred in your heart. You have committed adultery and broken the vows of marriage you made to your spouse many times. You have stolen something, as small as a pen or maybe as big as being involved in armed robbery gangs. You have tried to defend a friend by bearing false witness against the other person. You have coveted your neighbors properties, his wife, his servants, his car, his business, or other items of your neighbor on a daily basis. You stand in court and the judge reads out these charges to you from Exodus 20 verses 3 – 17 of His book. Added to these charges also are charges of fornication (pre-marital sex), uncleanness(evil thoughts), sensuality, witchcraft and occultism, hatred, heresies, envying, drunkenness, sexual immoral acts of homosexuality, bestiality, sodomy etc (Galatians 5:20 -21). Of all these charges, you are also charged with telling lies and trying to cover up your sins (hypocrisy). At this time, you stand speechless for you know you have indeed done these things and you deserve the maximum sentence of death (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23).
The worst that can happen to you is that you stand in this court without an advocate or lawyer to plead your case, whereas the prosecution has a thousand witnesses and a full bench of prosecutors. And to your utter dismay, you discover you are standing before the Judge of all the Earth, the one whom you could not bribe to subvert justice. You are standing before Almighty God, the one who you have grievously offended by your sinful life. You know before the sentence is passed, that you deserve more than death but to be cast into an everlasting fire of hell, and just then you learn of the avenue of plea bargaining available to you, what relieve that should bring to you!
We are all to face this great dilemma of sinners; the maximum sentence for sin and the wrath of God, except we subscribe to this great plea bargain which I shall tell you about. The first cheering news is that though we had no advocate or lawyer, yet the Son of God, Jesus Christ, offers to be our advocate at no cost to us. Though we never thought we needed Him, now we know we are doomed without Him. It will be foolishness to refuse the help of this advocate who has come to help and rescue us. Well, your advocate steps before the judge and pleads that the judge should invoke the prerogative of mercy to save you from the maximum sentence. At this time, your accusers and the prosecution are very furious and they speak against the appeal of your advocate. The judge invites both defense counsel and the prosecution for a parley, where He lays out the option of plea bargaining and He asks your advocate to provide a substitutionary death as one condition to set you free. Your advocate agrees to do this and lays down His life for you by dieing on the cross at Calvary. Well, having done this, your advocate resurrects and comes right back into the court room and now your accusers know that you will be set free because your payment has been made. However, the last condition to seal this deal is that you should plead guilty to the charges brought against you, and right then the judge asks you “Are you guilty of this charges or Not?” There is a pin-drop silence in the room as everyone awaits your answer. Will you go against the counsel of your advocate and return a “NO” answer which cancels all He has done for you, or will you say “YES” and get your freedom?
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Friends I have used this illustrative court session to tell you a most vital truth. Jesus Christ has paid in full the penalty that was due to us for our sins (Isaiah 53: 4 – 11). He has secured pardon for sins and enduring peace with God for us. Because of Jesus Christ great sacrifice, the Almighty God, Jehovah, has accepted to show us mercy and He has declared “I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more” (Hebrews 10: 17). Now your freedom deal has been brokered and it is now entirely in your hands to accept it or reject it. The only condition is that you acknowledge your sins and plead guilty. So many people are losing out of this great salvation today because they never realize and accept that they are sinners. They justify themselves and compare themselves to other people and conclude they are better, more moral, and not as bad. How else can you flee from certain destruction to safety if you do not realize you’re on a dangerous position? This is how many people have missed this great deal. I hope you will not be among those who justify themselves. It is written “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” (1 John 1: 8 – 10). I encourage you my friend to take this message seriously, and let your heart be grieved at your sins. Confess your sins to God in prayers and ask Him to show you His mercy and save you through the precious death of Jesus Christ on your behalf. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and let Him be the Lord of your life from today. Begin to follow Jesus Christ everyday, identify with His church and fellowship with other brothers and sisters regularly. I know you will appropriate this great plea bargain for yourself today!
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God bless you in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
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